Wendy’s Corporate Office (Dublin, Ohio)

Wendy’s Corporate office number is

(614) 764-3100

The company was founded by Dave Thomas in 1969 in Columbus, Ohio. Wendy’s has since become one of the major players in the fast-food industry, with thousands of locations in the United States.

The Wendy’s corporate Headquarters office is located in:

1 Dave Thomas Blvd,
Dublin, OH 43017,
United state.

How to contact Wendy’s?

Phone Number: You can call the Wendy’s contact Number is 18886248140. This number is for general inquiries and feedback.

Website Contact: Visit the official website for the USA (https://www.wendys.com/) and look for the “Contact Us” section. There, you may find a contact form to submit your questions or feedback.

Mobile App: If you have the Mobile App, there may be a contact option within the app to reach out to customer service.

Social Media: This is active on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can send them a direct message or tweet at them.

Wendy’s Corporate Office - Dublin, Ohio

More: AT&T Corporate Office (Dallas)

Mail: You can send a letter to Wendy’s USA corporate headquarters.