Target Corporate Office (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Target Corporate office number is


Target was founded in 1902 as the Dayton Dry Goods Company and later renamed Dayton Company. It adopted the name Target in 2000. Target operates thousands of retail stores across the United States, making it one of the nation’s largest department store chains.

The Target corporate Headquarters office is located in:

1000 Nicollet Mall,
Minneapolis Minnesota,
United state.

How to contact Target?

Phone Number: You can call the Target contact Number is 18004400680. This number is for general inquiries and feedback.

Website Contact: Visit the official website for the USA ( and look for the “Contact Us” section. There, you may find a contact form to submit your questions or feedback.

Mobile App: If you have the Mobile App, there may be a contact option within the app to reach out to customer service.

Social Media: This is active on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can send them a direct message or tweet at them.

Target Corporate Office (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

More: Wells Fargo Corporate Office (San Francisco)

Mail: You can send a letter to Target USA corporate headquarters.