Alton Towers Corporate Headquarter Office UK

Hello friends, if you are searching Alton Towers Address or number so you are on the right place because here we share the information about location, Number and service etc.

  • Name: Alton Towers
  • Address: Farley Ln, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent​, uk
  • Contact Number: +44 1538 704096

How do I contact Alton Towers?

Here we highlight the Alton Towers phone Number is +44 1538 704096 through which you can get service related information. This number is available for general inquiries, product information, or assistance with orders.

Here you can see Alton Towers Corporate address is Farley Ln, Alton, Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4DB, United Kingdom.

Visit the Alton Towers website ( and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Look for the “Contact us” link located under the “Plan Your Visit” section. Click On the link, you can see contact information.

Alton Towers has a presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. You can reach out to them by sending a direct message or mentioning them in a post or tweet.

About us

Alton Towers is known for its theme park, which offers a wide range of thrilling rides, attractions, and entertainment options. It features a variety of roller coasters, water rides, family rides, and children’s attractions, catering to visitors of all ages.

Alton Towers is famous for its iconic rides, including “Oblivion,” the world’s first vertical drop roller coaster, and “The Smiler,” a roller coaster with the most inversions in the world. Other popular rides include “Nemesis,” “Rita,” and “Wicker Man.”


Why is Alton Towers so famous?
40 rides and attractions and home to an awesome choice of world first rollercoasters.

Where is Alton Towers?
Staffordshire, England.

Is Alton Towers close to London?

Which city is closest to Alton Towers?
Stoke on Trent.

Also more: O2 Address or Number

Note: This site is not connected with Alton Towers but we do provide phone numbers, emails and addresses that make it easy for peoples to contact easily and quickly.