Waffle house Corporate Office Phone Number and Headquarter Address

You can call the Waffle house united state corporate office number is (770) 729-5700 get information about corporate and address is 5986 Financial Dr NW, Norcross, GA United state.

How Do I Contact Waffle house?

Phone Number 18779923353
Email NA
Corporate Number (770) 729-5700
Address 5986 Financial Dr NW, Norcross, GA USA.
website www.wafflehouse.com
Facebook page @Waffle house
Twitter page @Waffle house

Contact Waffle house by phone

Contact number is 18779923353 to provide asks a question about your local store or corporate headquarters.

You can use this number for various tasks such as:

  • Menu
  • Restaurant
  • Order
  • service

Support by social media

Contact Waffle house with social media. Messages via Waffle house united state social media page such as fb, Twitter and through the website and forum support.

Also more: Rite aid Corporate Address


  • Name: Waffle House Restaurant company
  • Founded: September 5, 1955, Avondale Estates, GA
  • Headquarters: Norcross, GA
  • CEO: Walt Ehmer (2012–)
  • Founders: Tom Forkner, Joe Rogers

Waffle House is a popular restaurant chain in the United States that specializes in serving breakfast food. It was founded in 1955 in Avondale Estates, Georgia, and has since grown to become a well-known dining option, particularly in the Southern states.

The menu at Waffle House mainly features breakfast items such as waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, hash browns, and biscuits. They also serve lunch and dinner options, including burgers, sandwiches, and salads.


What are the hours of operation for Waffle House?
Waffle House is known for being open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Most locations do not close, even on holidays.

Where can I find a Waffle House?
Waffle House has numerous locations throughout the United States, primarily in the Southeastern states.

What is Waffle House famous for?
Waffle House is renowned for its breakfast food, especially its waffles, which are often served with a variety of toppings.

Can I customize my order at Waffle House?
Yes, Waffle House offers a degree of customization for their menu items.

Can I place an order for takeout or delivery?
Many Waffle House locations offer takeout services, allowing you to order your food to-go.