Specs Corporate Office (Midtown, Houston)

Hello friends, if you are searching Specs corporate office so you are on the right place because here we share all the information about Specs headquarters and company contact details.

How do I contact Specs?

You can call the Specs Corporate Office Number is (888) 526-8787 and get corporate information about Specs Company.

Here you can contact via Specs Head Office Address is 2410 Smith St, Houston, Texas, 77006, United States.

Here we highlight of the Specs Contact Number is 8885268787 which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

Contact via email address

Another best option to seek assistance from customer support is by using Specs email address is contactus@specsonline.com.

Company profile

Name Specs
Founded 1962
Industries store
Specs headquarters address Houston, Texas, United States
Specs email contactus@specsonline.com
Specs Phone number 8885268787
website Specs

Social Media Support

You can also contact their customer team using their social media account such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

About us

The original Speck opened in 1962 in Houston. Carroll b. “Spec” Jackson and Carolyn Jackson founded the store. “Spec” Jackson wanted to work for himself and earn enough money so that Carolyn would not have to work. The store’s name, Speck, originated from his nickname, which referred to his glasses. “Tip” Jackson spent $7,000 to open his first store.


Why is it called specs?
“Spec” Jackson and Carolynn Jackson founded the store. “Spec” Jackson wanted to work for himself and make enough money so Carolynn wouldn’t have to work.

What is specs in Texas?
Spec’s Wine, Spirits & Finer Foods, is a Texas family-owned liquor store chain.

Also more: Walmart Arab Alabama Store

This site is not connected with Specs corporate but we do provide phone numbers, emails and Specs Corporate Office Address that make it easy for customers to contact easily and quickly.