Midland memorial hospital information

Hello friends, if you are searching Midland memorial hospital Address or phone number so you are on the right place because here we share the information about Hospital location, information and facilities etc.

How do I contact Midland memorial hospital?

There are many ways to contact Hospital, such as by Hospital phone number, by Hospital email address, via office address or via social media etc.

Here we highlight the Midland memorial hospital Main Number is (432) 221-1111 through which you can get Hospital related information.

Here you can contact via Hospital Address is 400 Rosalind Redfern Grover Parkway Midland, Texas 79701, USA.

About Hospital

n 1950, Midland Memorial Hospital, the only not-for-profit hospital in Midland County, Texas was established by prominent community leaders with one mission: “To make quality healthcare available to all residents of Midland County.” Funds to build the hospital were donated by individuals, corporations and foundations as a nonprofit, community-based hospital, offering medical care to the west Texas community, regardless of their ability to pay.

The hospital opened its doors on July 11, 1950, as a community owned, 75-bed hospital, serving the nearly 22,000 people who resided in Midland County. The hospital was staffed with 78 employees and 26 physicians. The 58,694 square foot, state-of-the-art medical facility cost $1,372,000.

Read more: Hackensack hospital

Note: This site is not connected with Hospital but we do provide phone numbers, emails and addresses that make it easy for peoples to contact easily and quickly.