Huntington Bank Corporate Office and Contact Information

You can call the Huntington Bank Corporate Office Number is (800) 480-2265 and get information about Huntington Bank service and other.

The headquarters of Huntington Bank, also known as Huntington Bancshares Incorporated, is located in Columbus, Ohio, United States. The exact address of their headquarters is:

Huntington Bancshares Incorporated
41 South High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215.

Here we highlight the contact number is (800) 480-2265 through which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

You can use this number for various tasks like:

  • General Information
  • Online Banking
  • Technical Support
  • Account Information

Email address: If you would like to contact Huntington Bank online, you can send email to the customer support team using their email at Email Contact Form.

Social Media Support

You can also contact their customer expert team using their social media account such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

Name Huntington Bank
Founded 1866
Industries American bank holding company
Address 7 Easton Oval, Columbus, OH USA.
Email NA
Phone number (800) 480-2265
website Huntington

About us

Huntington Bank is a financial institution based in the United States. It is a regional bank primarily operating in the Midwest, with headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. Huntington Bank provides a wide range of banking services to individuals, businesses, and organizations.

This Bank was founded in 1866 as The Huntington National Bank. It has a long history of serving customers and has grown through various mergers and acquisitions over the years.

Huntington Bank Corporate Office

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This site is not connected with this Bank but we do provide phone numbers, emails and addresses that make it easy for customers to contact easily and quickly.