Humana Corporate Office Phone Number and Address

If you are looking for Humana Corporate Address you can easily find out here.

You can call the Humana corporate office number is (502) 580-2811 and get information about corporate.

The corporate headquarters of Humana Inc. was located in Louisville, Kentucky. The exact address is:

Humana Inc.
500 West Main Street
Louisville, KY 40202

How do I contact Humana corporate by phone?

Phone Number 18004486262
Email NA
corporate office number (502) 580-2811
Address 500 West Main Street Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Official website
Facebook id @page
Twitter id @page


You can use this number for various tasks such as:

  • Commercial customer service 1-800-448-6262
  • Medicare and Medicaid customer service 1-800-457-4708
  • Humana Clinical Pharmacy Review: 1-800-555-2546
  • Medicare and Medicaid customer service: 1-800-457-4708

Email support

Get support by or submit your feedback/complaints regarding products and services.

Chase bank Corporate Address


  • Name: Humana Company
  • Headquarters: Louisville, KY
  • CEO: Bruce D. Broussard (Jan 1, 2013–)
  • Revenue: 77.16 billion USD (2020)
  • Subsidiaries: Humana Military Health Services, Inc, MORE
  • Founders: Wendell Cherry, David A. Jones, Sr.

Humana Inc. is a large American healthcare company that provides a wide range of health insurance products and services.

Humana was founded in 1961 by David A. Jones Sr. and Wendell Cherry. It started as a nursing home company and later expanded into hospitals. Over time, it transitioned into a diversified health services company and eventually focused on health insurance.