Halliburton Corporate Office Headquarters

Hello friends, if you are searching Halliburton corporate office so you are on the right place because here we share all the information about Halliburton headquarters and company contact details.

How do I contact Halliburton?

You can call the Halliburton Corporate Office Number is 2818714000 and get corporate information about Halliburton Company.

Here you can contact via Halliburton  Office Address is 3000 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E. Houston, TX 77032 United States.

Here we highlight of the Halliburton Contact Number is 2818714000 which you can resolve your queries quickly and easily.

Contact via email address

Another best option to seek assistance from customer support is by using Halliburton email address is contact us page.

Company profile

Name Halliburton
Founded 1919
Industries Corporation
Headquarters Houston, TX United States
Halliburton email NA
Halliburton Phone number 2818714000
website halliburton.com

Social Media Support: You can also contact their customer team using their social media account such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

About us

Halliburton is one of the world’s leading providers of products and services to the energy industry. Founded in 1919, they create innovative technologies, products, and services that help customers maximize their value throughout the life cycle of an asset and advance a sustainable energy future.


What exactly does Halliburton do?
Halliburton Co (Halliburton) is an oilfield service company.

What was the Halliburton scandal?
In the early 1990s, Halliburton was found to be in violation of federal trade barriers in Iraq and Libya.

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This site is not connected with Halliburton corporate but we do provide phone numbers, emails and Halliburton Corporate Office Address that make it easy for customers to contact easily and quickly.