Denny’s Corporate Office Phone Number and Address

If you are looking for Denny’s Corporate Office Address you can easily find out here.

You can call the Denny’s corporate office number is (800) 733-6697 and get information about corporate.

The corporate headquarters of Denny’s was located in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The exact address is:

Denny’s Corporation
203 East Main Street
Spartanburg, SC 29319

How do I contact Denny’s corporate by phone?

Phone number 18007336697
Email NA
Corporate phone number (800) 733-6697
Address 203 East Main Street Spartanburg, SC 29319
Facebook @page
Twitter @page


You can use this number for various tasks such as:

  • Service
  • Rewards
  • Gift card

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  • Name: Denny’s Diner company
  • Headquarters: Spartanburg, SC
  • Founded: 1953, Lakewood, CA
  • CEO: John C. Miller (Feb 1, 2011–)
  • Founders: Harold Butler, Richard Jezak

Denny’s traces its origins back to 1953 when Harold Butler and Richard Jezak opened a donut stand in Lakewood, California. They eventually expanded their offerings to include a full breakfast menu, and the first Denny’s restaurant was born. Over the years, the chain grew and became a staple of American dining.