Autozone Corporate Office Phone Number and Address

You can call the AutoZone united state corporate office number 901 495-8300 and get information about corporate.

The headquarters of AutoZone, Inc., an American retailer of automotive parts and accessories, is located in Memphis, Tennessee. Here are the details of the headquarters:

AutoZone, Inc.
123 South Front Street
Memphis, TN 38103
United States.

Phone number 18002886966
Corporate Number 1-800-288-6966
Address 123 South Front Street Memphis, TN 38103 USA.
Facebook id @page
Twitter id @page

How do I contact AutoZone by phone?

The phone number is 1-800-288-6966 to contact provides asks a question about your local store. You can use this number for various tasks such as:

  • Track My Order
  • Contact Us
  • My Account
  • FAQs
  • Return Policies
  • Product Recalls
  • Product Ingredient Disclosures

Email Support: Get support by link or submit your feedback/complaints regarding products and services.

Online Contact Form: AutoZone has an online contact form on their official website. You can visit their website ( and navigate to the “Contact Us” section to find the contact form. Fill out the required information and submit your inquiry or message.

Store Locator: If you have questions related to a specific AutoZone store, you can use the store locator feature on their website to find the contact information for that particular location. This allows you to directly contact the store for inquiries related to availability, pricing, or other store-specific matters.

Also more: Dollar general Corporate Address


  • Name: AutoZone Retail company
  • Headquarters: Memphis, TN
  • CEO: William C. Rhodes III (Mar 13, 2005–)
  • Number of locations: 6,003
  • Subsidiaries: AutoZone de Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V., ALLDATA, MORE

AutoZone, Inc. is an American retailer of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories, the largest in the United States. Founded in 1979, AutoZone has over 6,400 stores across the United States, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil and the US Virgin Islands. The company is based in Memphis, Tennessee.

Autozone Corporate Office Phone