Sallie mae USA headquarters and Phone Number

If you are looking for Sallie mae Corporate Office number and Address you can easily find out here.

headquarters Information

Phone number 800-472-5543
Email NA
Corporate phone number (877) 346-2756
Corporate Address Sallie Mae Bank 175 S West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah USA.
Facebook @page
Twitter @page

How do I contact Sallie mae?

In this day you may contact through the head office phone number, the Sallie Mae email Address or social media etc.

You can call the Sallie mae corporate office number is (877) 346-2756.

Main office Address: Here you can contact via Sallie Mae main headquarters is 30 Hunter Lane Camp Hill, PA 17011, United States. If you have any questions any suggestions try this office address for fast response.

Phone Number: We’ve highlighted Sallie Mae contact number is 800-472-5543 so you can get answers to your questions quickly and simply.

You can use this number for various tasks such as:

  • Loan
  • Planning
  • Card

Email support: Get support by link click here. or submit your feedback/complaints regarding products and services.

Also more: Big Lots Corporate Office


  • Name: Sallie Mae Consumer banking company
  • Headquarters: Newark, DE
  • Formerly: Student Loan Marketing Association
  • Founded: 1972

SLM Corporation is a publicly traded U.S. corporation that provides consumer banking. Its nature has changed dramatically since it was set up in 1973. At first, it was a government entity that serviced federal education loans.

They believe education, in all forms, helps people achieve great things. It’s a great equalizer and a proven path to a healthy financial future. Education is an investment that can change your life. This belief drives everything they do.